Saturday, December 8, 2007
80's Loves Goblins
I get that same feeling watching 80's films and cartoons, as I do looking at 80's toys, appliances and other consumer goods. It just seemed like things were made a little stronger back then. It seems like a lot of hand crafted, intricate detailed, things back then have been made more streamlined and cost efficient. And I as I wipe the tears away from my eyes, I remember the slew of 80's movies that gave me nightmares, filled with freakish fantasy characheters, even if the movies were rated G. Some of these movies have become cult classics.
Ahhh, the days when Hollywood used to actually hire midgets and dress them up in hand made garments and put them through 8 hours of makeup to become a mythical being. Sure we all remember the Brat Pack and their many classics. But there are a handful of cult classics from the 80's that have one common theme: An excess of mythical characters. I think there was an over obsession for goblins, ghouls, elves, monsters, witches, and undefinable ugly beings. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of the Harry Potter's, or Chronicles of Narnia, and I have only caught half of one of the Lord of the Rings. What I do know about them, however, is that, like other modern epic films, there was a good amount of special effects and added computer generated characters. Let's throw that computer shit out the window and go back to a time where we were getting taught about fractions from Elmo and Grover, on our Apple II floppy disk programs.
The Never Ending Story, The Monster Squad, Gremlins, Willow, Poltergeist, Critters, Harry and the Hendersons, Krull, Munchies, Puppet Master, Troll, Hobgoblins, Howard the Duck, The Beast Master, Predator, Alien, Ghoulies, The Garbage Pail Kids...I mean the list of fantasy and horror films goes on. I also just want to mention Solarbabies and The Warriors as great fantasy-punk 80's classics. I really want to concentrate on two great flicks though: Legend and Labyrinth.
Legend, obviously starring Tom Cruise (Endless Love), Mia Sara (Ferris Beuller's Day Off), and Tim Curry (Home Alone 2), is filled with some of the most fucked up, scary characters I have ever seen in any movie. From the Lord of Darkness, to his henchgoblin Blix, to that creepy little boy elf, Honeythorn Gump. That movie should have been rated "?" and had a "This film might cause you to shit in your bed from nightmares" warning. I really love to watch how the almost inaudible weirdos talk out the plot of the movie that can leave you scratching your head. But it's fantasy, and it's the 80's, and it's just fantastic. It took me about 3 times to figure out what the hell was going on, because of the fast, troll accented dialog being drowned out by my washer and dryer, cleaning my shit stained sheets. But the Irish midgets and other people that played the mythical roles, were amazing. The costumes and make-up were just super.
Labyrinth, starring Jennifer Connelly (The Rocketeer) and David Bowie (Zoolander), is what happens when Jim Henson and George Lucas make sweet passionate bear love after a long hard peyote binge in an arcade. The list of weird fucking characters is endless. It's basically the same premise as Legend. A human has to save another human from some creepy psycho, and is guided/protected by good elves and trolls from the bad monsters, goblins, and other scary, making me dread closing my eyes at night, characters. Except this time, the Goblin King, David Bowie, can do sick tricks with a glass ball and lends his creepy Ziggy Stardust voice to the mix. This is a must see.
So all in all, when I think of the 80's, I don't think of Molly Ringwald (except to masturbate in my polka dot thong) I think of scary fantasy movies filled with memorable characters that scared the shit out of me. In conclusion, there is still only one movie character(s) that still make(s) me not want to go to sleep at night, and that would have to be the Wheelers from Return to Oz.
How was that movie for kids? That is one of the scariest, sweat down the crack of your ass, films in the history of cinema and should be taken off the kids section shelves. There's not even one fucking song in that film. Only, headless witches, electric shock therapy, talking pumpkins and robots, Oz looks like the slums of Baltimore, the Mombie King, and the fucking Wheelers. OK, I am going to go take a roofie to forget all this nonsense. From my mind to yours, Donz.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Away Message of the Day!
I am so happy right now! Why? Because if you haven't heard yet, The Munchkins from the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, have gotten their own star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood! Let me say that again, all Munchkins from the Wizard of Oz got one star. Does anyone find this funny as hell? I am looking way too into this but I find the concept of generalizing all "munchkins", a.k.a. dolled up midgets, fucking great. I am picturing the hire-ups in Hollywood contemplating this :
"Fine, ya know what, fuck 'em. If you smush enough of them together they
kind of make a person, right? We'll give 'em all one star. Just one for those little bastards. None of those things are still alive right? ...What? Seven are?!!! Fuck it, that might equal a 6'4" 230lb Hollywood star, right? We'll give it to them on one condition: They must wear their old costumes, hold big old lolly pops, and do a little tap dance for us! Diane, call 'em up!"
Please enjoy the link below. Just click on the video: Munchkins get a star.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Donzi Answers Clever Question #3
Q: Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?
Donzi Answer: The same person who used to give you a swirly in High School, made you drink your own piss in college, and left you with weekend work in the corporate world.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Away Message of the Day
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Donzi Answer - In case they shit their pants, bail out, lose control of their planes and have to emergency land in the fields of Hawaii. They can then blend in with the local folk, eventually become part of the Japanese-American Internment and go on to live happily ever after making better electronics than us.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Donzi Answers Clever Question #1
Q: Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Donzi Answer: He shaves with with lion teeth to impress the female wolves. It's either that or Disney doesn't like people with beards. Like shouldn't have Aladdin had a beard? Think about it.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Away Message of the Day
(Tupac + A Lollypop Kid + Bollywood + The Middle East + Passion) = (A pick-me-up for any horrible day)^(One of the best videos I have ever seen)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Away Message of the Day
Motivational Message #253:
You can run from an angry mob of animals, but you can't hide
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Proverbs of the Day
"You can lead the horse to the trough...but you can't pay a midget to wax your car"
-joseph stalin
"A fool sees not the same tree as a blind man does"
-tom sawyer
"A man does not seek his luck, luck seeks those who break into orphanages and steal all the Campbell's Soup and A1 Sauce"
-new indonesian proverb
"A penny for your...shit a penny won't buy you dick!"
-patty mayonnaise
"A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush gets hidden with Grandma in the closet"
-old irish spell
"An uncle who makes advances on the waitress, only to be strangled to death in the men's room, should not have ordered the unlimited salad and bread sticks. Olive Garden. When you're here, you're family."
-the associated press
Monday, October 15, 2007
Away Message of the Day
Margaret Thatcher: "Create a logarithm that maximises the length of a bent B# note on the E string of a Sitar and can also forecast the winner of the Chinese Math Olympia competition "
Thomas Edison: "Listen bitch, I was just hired to clean toilets, but I'd be happy to give you a referral"
George Muresan: "I'll do it!"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Away Message of the Day
We live in a nation where a raging alcoholic celebrity gets to "judge" a common man's talents
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Away Message of the Day
"I don't remember... I banged everyone back then. The director, my teacher, Peppermint Patty every afternoon in my trailer, bondage with Lucy every weekend, Snoopy when I was on my meth binge for money, little Mo with the gimpy leg, Cliff. Shit I even had Linus and Rerun dress up as aliens and bang Marcy while I filmed. Good grief! I was in bad shape."
-Charlie Brown
Courtesy of E! True Hollywood Story: What the F*ck Happened to You, Charlie Brown?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Away Message of the Day
"Studies now show that Arnold Schwarzenegger was actually impregnated for his role in the Blockbuster hit Junior. It seems the whole "The Boys from Brazil" story is not so much fiction after all, as it was found that the DNA of Arnold's aborted fetus, which he called a "prop", did in fact match that of Adolf Hitler's. Stay tuned for more details."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Away Message of the Day
I feel like doing a little somethin somethin everyday with Donzi's Basement. I would like to be more committed, but unfortunately I am too busy reading the want ads, digging through garbage cans, and selling my body for cheese. I think if I write a quick little entry daily, it will help with my dedication to all 5 of you who read this blog. I decided to write an "Away Message of the Day." This will consist of me waking up and writing down random nonsense that I make up, like fake quotes and general hogwash. It might be funny, it might be weird, it might tank, I don't care. It's 100% random and 100% Donz.
"Is that Jon Secada in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mike Giunta's Real Worl Facts
It is necessary that the 12 Real World Facts of Mike Giunta, a gentleman whose blog has been dead for over a year now and that I used to contribute to, be told. These were written, after Fratastic Mike himself just joined the daily grind of work, 3 years ago:
*Note: I tried for about a week to make this look better...No matter how many times I edited, it just looked like with it...
*Note: I tried for about a week to make this look better...No matter how many times I edited, it just looked like with it...
Real World Fact Number 1
Real World Fact Number 4
Real World Fact Number 5
Real World Fact Number 6
Real World Fact Number 11
From my mind to yours, Donz.
No one cares how Fratastic I once was…
Real World Fact Number 2
There is no hazing in the real world. The senior guys at my office didn't degrade me and make me stand in a hot, dark room listening to a cotton eyed joe hamster dance remix for 4 hours at a time for 3 months before they would hire me. They actually treated me with respect and helped me when I needed it. Weird…
There is no hazing in the real world. The senior guys at my office didn't degrade me and make me stand in a hot, dark room listening to a cotton eyed joe hamster dance remix for 4 hours at a time for 3 months before they would hire me. They actually treated me with respect and helped me when I needed it. Weird…
Real World Fact Number 3
There is no such thing as morning cocktails. Putting a bag of wine down your pants and trying to get your boss to drink out of the spigot that is dangling from your zipper is unacceptable. Along those same lines, working into work with nothing but your boxers and a bathrobe with a big red grain stain on the front is grounds for immediate dismissal. The Frat has done nothing to move me ahead in the corporate world…
Real World Fact Number 4
No one cheers when you vomit…
Real World Fact Number 5
There is no such thing as an eighties work day. Dear Christ how I would love to throw on a pair of short shorts and my official Bruce Springsteen tour shirt and dance all day long to the likes of AHA and Tears for Fear but I’m sad to say that those days are officially over…
Real World Fact Number 6
Wearing your collar up still makes you vastly superior to everyone else…
Real World Fact Number 7
There is absolutely no reason to drink Ice Beer. Ice Beer, otherwise known as “Fight in a Can”, is responsible for blackouts, bar fights and destroying relationships and should be outlawed.
Real World Fact Number 8
Red Bull is a modern day panacea. Drink too much in the afternoon but just have to make it to the bar at night? Red Bull. Hungover but have to get to work on time? Red Bull. On the bad half of a Charlie Sheen like bender? Red Bull.
Real World Fact Number 10
Don’t tell your co-workers stories from college. They just don’t understand and they never look at you the same after you explain to them some of the things you did during pledging.
Real World Fact Number 11
Freshman girls think I’m creepy
Real World Fact Number 12
Don’t give your college buddies your work number. The last person you need interrupting you during an important meeting with your boss is your old roommate who is currently on his 16th beer at four in the afternoon and can do nothing at this point except yell into the phone about how much of a pussy you are for being at work.
From my mind to yours, Donz.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Donzi's Disasters
The thorns in my side. The actions that make me shake my head and grind my teeth. The things that make me want to take a cold shower and stare at my shriveled bean bag in the mirror while putting on tangerine lipstick...Wait...What? Anyway, just a couple of things that I just can't figure out:
1. EZ Pass has to furnish an instruction manual, or just get their shit together. Someone has to tell the motorist from Maryland that they don't need to come to a complete stop, just to wait and read the fast food menu for the words, EZ Pass Paid, Thank You. Honestly I don't even know what comes up on the screen, that's how fast I go through an EZ Pass. Please cut the shit with the 10mph, 15 mph, 20 mph, 55mph signs. I was actually in one lane that read 10mph, and the lane to my left read 15mph the other day. Seriously? Even when it says 15mph, why do people insist to slow down to a baby crawl and see if their EZ Pass is paid? Do they think their pass is electrically connected to their motor and it will automatically shut off, if god forbid the device was misread? Or that the EZ Pass troll comes out of the booth and races after your car spitting fire balls from its ass to melt your tires? The Express lane uses the same fuckin RFID transponder technology (Wiki!) that the actual toll lane does, so why can you drive 110mph through that? Safety reasons you say? If you need to be told how fast to drive through a narrow toll, you shouldn't be on the road. Stop defeating the whole purpose of the EZ pass and please fly through that motherfucker at a solid 30-50mph (toll) and at least 95mph through the express.
2. Little girl, please take that washable paint off your windows. I don't give a shit that you are: ***Class of 2007***District V Field Hockey Champs***# 2 Oral Satisfaction North Jersey***Heyyy and Gay***Good Luck Bayside, Beat Valley***We did it!***
We don't give a shit. Hey I graduated fucking high school too. Guess what, it's not that hard. You know when you can put fake paint on your windshield? When you graduate from Harvard Law or Wharton Business School, or cure cancer, or bring back Alf on TVLand.
***Harvard Law 2007...I'm Better Than You & I Know It***
3. 800 Giuseppe Franco commercials when I am trying to watch a Yankee game on the YES Network. "Hey I'm fuckin Giuseppe Franco, and I'm the fuckin son of Skelletor and Christopher Moltisanti." YES please sponsor anything else. I wouldn't care if you through a Wiggles commercial in there every game, just lessen the ginzo beautician.
4. Rubbernecking. Fuck. I love sitting in an hours worth of traffic when I am making a midday run to the strip club, to finally get a glimpse offfff....a cop helping Mrs. Pigglesworth change a tire. If there is an arm laying on the ground, or an old school cops and robbers shootout going on, or if they are filming Debbi Does the Garden State Parkway, then it might be worth it. But anytime there are flashing blue and red lights, we are instantly put in a trance and have to look to see what is going on. We are so fucking nosey. A moment of clarity, hoping that they see something that makes them say..."Hey I could always be that guy." Helicopter medic airlifting half a body from a multi truck accident, understandable. It's almost like waiting on the long line at Six Flags because you know the ride is worth it. But a fender bender, two teenagers on their cell phone because they have a flat tire, or someone has their hazards on while taking a piss. Unacceptable. Move it along you child molester.
On a similar note: If a cop is on the other side of the highway... you don't have to slow down from 85mph to 45mph in 0.5 seconds. He's not going to jump the cement divider.
That is all. Stay tuned for some random daily thoughts and a nostalgic post. From my mind to yourz, Donz.
1. EZ Pass has to furnish an instruction manual, or just get their shit together. Someone has to tell the motorist from Maryland that they don't need to come to a complete stop, just to wait and read the fast food menu for the words, EZ Pass Paid, Thank You. Honestly I don't even know what comes up on the screen, that's how fast I go through an EZ Pass. Please cut the shit with the 10mph, 15 mph, 20 mph, 55mph signs. I was actually in one lane that read 10mph, and the lane to my left read 15mph the other day. Seriously? Even when it says 15mph, why do people insist to slow down to a baby crawl and see if their EZ Pass is paid? Do they think their pass is electrically connected to their motor and it will automatically shut off, if god forbid the device was misread? Or that the EZ Pass troll comes out of the booth and races after your car spitting fire balls from its ass to melt your tires? The Express lane uses the same fuckin RFID transponder technology (Wiki!) that the actual toll lane does, so why can you drive 110mph through that? Safety reasons you say? If you need to be told how fast to drive through a narrow toll, you shouldn't be on the road. Stop defeating the whole purpose of the EZ pass and please fly through that motherfucker at a solid 30-50mph (toll) and at least 95mph through the express.
2. Little girl, please take that washable paint off your windows. I don't give a shit that you are: ***Class of 2007***District V Field Hockey Champs***# 2 Oral Satisfaction North Jersey***Heyyy and Gay***Good Luck Bayside, Beat Valley***We did it!***
We don't give a shit. Hey I graduated fucking high school too. Guess what, it's not that hard. You know when you can put fake paint on your windshield? When you graduate from Harvard Law or Wharton Business School, or cure cancer, or bring back Alf on TVLand.
***Harvard Law 2007...I'm Better Than You & I Know It***
3. 800 Giuseppe Franco commercials when I am trying to watch a Yankee game on the YES Network. "Hey I'm fuckin Giuseppe Franco, and I'm the fuckin son of Skelletor and Christopher Moltisanti." YES please sponsor anything else. I wouldn't care if you through a Wiggles commercial in there every game, just lessen the ginzo beautician.
4. Rubbernecking. Fuck. I love sitting in an hours worth of traffic when I am making a midday run to the strip club, to finally get a glimpse offfff....a cop helping Mrs. Pigglesworth change a tire. If there is an arm laying on the ground, or an old school cops and robbers shootout going on, or if they are filming Debbi Does the Garden State Parkway, then it might be worth it. But anytime there are flashing blue and red lights, we are instantly put in a trance and have to look to see what is going on. We are so fucking nosey. A moment of clarity, hoping that they see something that makes them say..."Hey I could always be that guy." Helicopter medic airlifting half a body from a multi truck accident, understandable. It's almost like waiting on the long line at Six Flags because you know the ride is worth it. But a fender bender, two teenagers on their cell phone because they have a flat tire, or someone has their hazards on while taking a piss. Unacceptable. Move it along you child molester.
On a similar note: If a cop is on the other side of the highway... you don't have to slow down from 85mph to 45mph in 0.5 seconds. He's not going to jump the cement divider.
That is all. Stay tuned for some random daily thoughts and a nostalgic post. From my mind to yourz, Donz.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Let Me Lay it on the Line: The Gym
YAWWWWWNNNNN...oh man...what happened? I guess I took a 3 month nap or something. What?! Paris Hilton went to jail? The Yankees got Roger Clemens? I joined a gym?! That's right, I am doing the "wake up early, beat the traffic, and pump some iron" routine at the crack of my ass dawn. The environment I enter and the people that I encounter everyday are definitely worthy enough to have an article dedicated to them. Here is Donzi's guide to The Gym:
The Environment:
You will immediately walk into an open room, with a gust of fake, cold air blowing into your face, and the sounds of DJ Gofuckyourself blasting over the 158 speakers that are sprinkled throughout the arena. If you are lucky there will be 80's rock Tuesdays at your weight pit. Bally Total Fitness, Lucille Roberts, and Curves, will be noticeably clean since they are geared towards the females. Gold's Gym, World Gym, Uncle Vito's Gym, The Gym, The Weight Pit, The Pit Pit, and basically anything with Gym or Pit in the name will be geared towards guys and smell like every dude's ball sweat plus ammonia. You will be greeted by either the trainer or the hot chick.
The Hot-Chick:
All she has to do is watch people beep or swipe a membership card and verify that they indeed look like the asshole whose picture comes up on the computer in front of her. She has to have an ass like a 10 year old boy and a low cut spandex shirt. She also might be able to make smoothies.
The Personal Trainer:
Pumped the fuck up! Low voice, veins everywhere, bleached blond spiked gel soaked hair, with a perfect fade, will try to convince you he knows about nutrition, which consists of: boiled chicken, steamed broccoli, protein shakes, creatine, andro, horse tranquilizers, and brown rice... or ... The dude who resembles a stock broker / C++ Programmer, who looks like he doesn't have a spec of athletic ability, but is some how "famous" and "the man." Both will pretend to motivate and spot you, but really they are staring at the MILFs or their own ass in the mirror.
You know they are married to money, the least they can do is look good. All spandex, post-two- kid-semi-saggy ass, fake tits (Merry Christmas!), fake tan, possibly on the phone, only lift 3-5lb teal or pink rubber dumbbells, walk for about 2 hours on the treadmill, go "anorexic girl" hard on the elliptical, and have a love/hate relationship with all 200 mirrors in the gym. They are there to impress the Young Studs.
Young Studs:
The most broad of categories...but usually is between 18-35, has a baseball cap that is worn forwards/backwards or is taken off just before a blow out a set. Can be seen in pairs, lifting the beach muscles, one muscle group a day; won't be caught dead on an elliptical, but goes Michael Johnson on the treadmill, has more energy then a 4 month old puppy, loves maxing out in curls and the bench press while staring in the mirror, and grunting... envies the muscles of Alpha Male, but laughs at his penis size.
Alpha Male:
"Yo bro, you doin legs today?!!!" is screamed across the room, radiating off the black rubber floor. "Na bro, it's my delts, lats, glutes, clavicle, nostril, temple, forearm, right pectoral day." Their back looks like an inverted triangle and his jugular looks like a clown straw, there are veins everywhere, does 8 sets of 1 rep, with at least three 45 plates on both sides of the bar for every exercise, drinks protein mixed with creatine, bat's blood, and the hair of a baby Viking, is tanner than Roberto Kelly, asks for a spot from at least everyone in the gym, screams with every rep, wears a tank top with nipples showing, chalk on hands, hangs out in a white towel in the locker room, looks like Hercules' roided up half cousin Bret, loves the mirror and laughs at the Just Happy to Be Here Guy.
Just Happy to Be Here Guy:
Thinks by just walking through the door, he gets bigger. Talks to everyone, loves the water fountain, stretches for 30 minutes, wears a headband, lifting gloves, wears sweatpants with elastic bottom, or short nylon shorts with lined tube socks, sports the name of the gym he is working out in on his shirt, curls the bar with no weights, is balding, tries to friend the Scary Old Timer.
Scary Old Timer:
Between 50-65 years old, sporting a gold chain with his favorite Saint and Jesus, which being swallowed up by his protruding silver chest hair, no muscle definition but is stronger than an ox and could beat the shit out of a Young Stud, never smiles, showers and air dries, is nicknamed Pops, Mac, Joe Joe, or Sir, healthy Florida tan, tries to avoid, just like everyone else...The Happy Nude...
The Happy Nude:
He talks to me like we are two guys watching our kids play at the park, he loves being naked, he could fall in any category, but is usually a 40+ male, he just will not put his pants on, he'll shave naked, he'll walk to the shower naked, walk out naked, put on a collared shirt, strike up a conversation with you as the head of his dick and the bottom 1/3 of his balls peeks out like a turtle testing the morning air, if you make him laugh you get the whole show, combs his hair with just his T-Shirt on, loves to talk about sports, stocks, terrorism, and just about anything that will get another male to agree or disagree, most of the time just talks about stupid shit: "hot out isn't it?" "How good is Jeter, right?" "You see those iPhones? Wow-ee" Shut the fuck up, put some pants on, and leave me alone you creepy fuck!
Stay tuned, Donzi's Basement is back. When will the next one be? I don't know, I need a nap. From my mind to yours, Donz.
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