Believe me, I am no hippie tree hugger by any means. I don't have a "nature protector" name like Wind Whisperer, Grasshopper, or Moonleaf. No, no hemp or save the whales posters; never donated to Sally Struthers or tied myself to a redwood. Here's my logic: I love women. I like to have sex with women. Women think polar bears are cute. Because of Global Warming, the Polar Bear population should be extinct in the next 10 years if we don't get our act together. Dead polar bears = dead female libido. No sex for Donz. Also, no planet, no sex for anyone. No planet, no laughter. However, Global Warming would stop all wars and terrorism.
All kidding aside, I feel it is my duty as a human, even if I do have some toys in the attic, to spread the message of this movie. I would also encourage you to visit this website:
Just check it out. It has many actions we can take and many things we can do right now to help stop CO2 emissions. It is amazing how much of an impact each one of us can have on the environment by just doing some simple things. Al Gore, Donz salutes you.

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