Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Letter to Chuck Norris from my sister

My sister Lauren, for some reason, was only recently introduced to the famous Chuck Norris Facts by an old friend of hers. This is her thoughts:

I can't decide if this dude's psychosis is funny or scary. Either way, here's my favorite "rule:"
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

do you think he can teach me to do this?

Dear Mr. Norris, I am a first year PhD student and I read 600 pages per week. I noticed that one of your delusional, herculean feats is to stare down books in order to attain necessary information from them. This is impressive to me. I wonder if in your spare time--when you're not brushing the teeth of a Great White shark or wrestling Osama Bin Laden into submission--you wouldn't mind teaching me this fantastic trick? And by "trick," I am of course referring to this ridiculous skill you've drummed up as a cover for the fact that you more than likely cannot read. Yeah, that's right, I said it, Chuck. But it's OK. Lots of people under the age of 3 can't read. And hey, don't forget: you're still the guy who can kill two stones with one bird. That's an enduring life skill, if I've ever heard of one. So chin up, my friend.


L. Fanelli

This letter should be signed, sealed, and delivered. From my mind to yourz, Donz.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why I Love the News

Something just reminded me of a news brief that I saw Tuesday that had me cracking up. It went something like this:
(Concerned) Coming up at noon, the markets continue to fall, as it looks more like a buyers’ strike than a bear rampage. The Federal Reserve is considering a new intervention in the US financial system as markets worldwide continue to plunge and the Dow continues to dip below the 10 thousand mark. (Content) In other news Beverly Hills Chihuahua continues to top the box office. We'll see you for more at noon.

We are on the brink of Armageddon, but don't worry a Disney movie about talking Chihuahuas is making millions. AMERICA... FUCK YEA!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Random Thought on Bumping and Grinding

Something that seems to always be one of those quirky things on my mind is how I will be dancing when I am older. Will I still be bumping and grinding, dirty dancing, going off and showing the dude next to me that I can have his lady just by moving my mesmerizing hips?

I like to dance. I like to dance a lot... with girls. Not so much the chicks that just bend over and shake their asses into Little Donz, but those that really know how to move. I have been unimpressed by the fact that more chicks think they can get away with just shoving their asses in my stuff.

You can look at a time line of American partner dance trends: The Waltz, The Charlseton, The Lindy, Swing, Sock Hops & Strolling, The Jitterbug, The Jive, the fucking Twist, Monkey, and Mashed Potato, Disco, just straight up 80's Carleton dancing, Patrick Swayze and Pat Benatar dirty dancing. Then there is bumping and grinding.

For the most part every generation sticks with their type of dance. I never saw my grandparents rocking to disco or grinding, nor would I want to. My parents can dance very well. They feel the beat, do the dips and spins, rock a couple 70's John Travolta moves here and there. My pops can Cha-Cha with the best of them. No grinding though.

So I can just picture myself at my grandkid's wedding, griding and rocking with my cock out. I probably won't be able to move like I do now, but you never know what modern medicine is going to be like then. I wonder if they are going to play Montel Jordan, Biggy, Bon Jovi, Snoop, JaRule, Fity Cent, & Def Leppard for us old timers? Is Regulators or Forever going to come on?
These are just the useless things I think about to pass the day. It's sad, I know. Love is a Battlefield.
From my mind to yourz, Donz.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

GChat = GCreepy

Is it me or does the Google Chat function make you feel awkward at times? I didn't do too hot on the analogies section of the SAT's, but I compare the Gchat application to being like the Men's Room at Port Authority. I feel like I am on the end of a long row of urinals, taking a long piss, making eye contact with everyone that Gmail chooses to put for me on Gchat. I honestly don't chat a lot, but for some reason I sometimes feel obligated to because I feel like everyone that is available (green) is staring at me not saying anything. I equate those that are busy (orange) as taking up the stalls in the bathroom and those that are in "do not disturb mode" (red) just washed their hands and left...but they'll be back.

I don't know, it gets awkward. I only talk to like 2 or 3 people on my list. Everyone else is from some walk of my life, however there are at least 3 or 4 people that I have never seen, nor have ever spoken to.

Does Gmail want me to make new friends with random individuals that I have had the honor of being in an email chain with? Gmail you sly devil you. I guess this algorithm is the baby of Google's future Matchmaker application. Random thought: I am sure there will be a time where you can put a G in front of anything because it looks like Google will make their own version of every entity on this earth. Gtrees, Gpocketbooks, Goboes, GreincarnatedChristopherColumbus (so he can tell us what really went down), Gsoup.

Anyway, I don't mind chatting with anyone. And I could easily sign out of chat, but what's the fun of that? It's like having a serious staring contest. And for those who know me know that Donz does not lose starring contests (except to Anoop Raman in 10th grade... after 35 minutes... on a bus trip to Boston).

Oh yea I got fired last week.

From my mind to yourz, Donz.