Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Role Models

Is it me or are all the positive roll models for little girls now-a-days some influential black women? You've got Oprah, who pisses excellence and shits out one-hundred dollar bills, Dr. Maya Angelou, a modern day Renaissance women, who could probably move Bin Laden to tears with her mastery of contemporary literature, and Dr. Condoleezza Rice, our Secretary of State. However most of these women don't grace the front cover of US magazine, unless Oprah looks like a blimp again. Who do young women really look up to? Whoever is on the news, living like a princess, and popping out kids like an abortion clinic.

Brittany Spears. God forbid the Almighty graces me with a girl someday. To know she has the potential to turn out like this thing. To know that little ones still look up to her as well. Jesus. She has worse manners than a baboon, marries a degenerate back-up dancer and pops out two innocent infants, let's one drive her car, flails her nasty cooch all over, and talks like a southern call girl. Her liver probably looks like her cooter and I am pretty sure Snoopy sings better than her. It's just sad that this sloppy mess was ever a role model. Take care of your kids and stop sitting on cock. Take a year or five off.

And who did the Queen of Slop become BFF with (for a weekend in Vegas)...

Paris Hilton. She has the IQ of my left testicle. His name is Walnut. She was made famous for what? Politics? Christ no. Invented something? Besides a culture of young, whore bitches, no. Made a contribution to society? Pulitzer or Nobel Prize winner? I need to stop, because I just tossed cookies all over my keyboard. She's famous because her family worked harder than she'll ever comprehend; because she is rich. It's cool to hump people and have it circulate on the Internet. It's cool to act like an uneducated priss, who raided the wardrobe of RENT, and made up the ever lasting, sophisticated quote: "That's hot." Not to mention we've seen her mosquito bites and ass numerous times. Well done mom and dad. I like Marriots anyway.

What about her ex-we made up for 2 days-but had a fallnig out again-now recently talking to each other BFF and camera mate Nicole Richie. Showing Americas youth that it's OK to weigh 79lbs and have your bohemian bathing suite and bug-eyed sunglasses falling off your yellow tinted body. Add DUI's, weed, and cocaine into the mix and you've got a quality role model. Let's keep talking about all these "famous" young women. I'm pretty sure if Studio 54 was still around, this girl would be dead.

Lindsey Lohan. Quality. How old is this chick? She's already in AA? Let's see how long that lasts. At least she is a decent actress, right? Her co-stars and studio management like her, right? However she is really proud that she dresses herself everyday. Wow, no stylist! I still need my stylist to dress me in my pajamas; I don't know how she does it.

Little Kim just got out of jail! Yayyyy!

Listen, I think there are plenty of role models out there for our young guys and gals. It's just that we're really creating a generation that obsesses about being filthy rich, with absolutely no plan, or any dedication and hard work to get to that want. Heck, I'm probably one of them. I don't necessarily think that you need to have money to be a role model or be in a position of power to be a role model. I just think you need to work with what you have to create something positive in this ass backwards world that we live in. We have to stop focusing on these young disasters and start focusing on... umm...your mom... if she's a role model that is. But do we really need role models in today's world?

"If this country is dependent on things like role models, we're much worse off than I thought. Shit! If you're kid needs a role model and you ain't it, you're both fucked."

-George Carlin

So why write on this particular issue? Because I am a little girl trapped in a 6-4, 224 pound, dent resistant, hairy body. From my mind to yours, Donz.

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